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Work table series

Tilting rotary tables



Items/speifications TS150A TS200A TS250A TS320A TS400A TS500A TS630A TS800A TS1000A TS1250 TS1600
Table diameter (mm) Ø150 Ø200 Ø250 Ø320 Ø400 Ø500 Ø630 Ø800 Ø1000 Ø1250 Ø1600
 Ms taper of the center hole 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 6# 6#
Width of theT-solt (mm) 14 14 14 16 18 22 22 22
Adjacent angle of table T-slot 90° 60° 45° 45° 45°
Width of thelocating key mm 16 16 14 14 18 - - - - 22 22
Graduation of the table 360° 360° 360°
Minimun value of vermier 10" 10" 10"
 Indexing   accuracy 80" 60" 60" 60" load kg 50 100 150 200 250 300 700 1200 2000 3000 8000
Net weight kg 16.5 22.5 33.5 65 125 215 345 800 1300 1580 2500
Gross weight kg 21.5 31 44.5 76 145 238 377 855 1400 1700 2700
Overall dimensions mm 294x243x130 400x360x208 500x400x210 580x480x238 750x616x280 850x730x302 995x900x326 1175x1090x391 1430x1224x550 1450x1450x450 1780x1780x550

